Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tegemist ootavad.

Sellise imearmsa paki sain ma Andrealt. Aitäh, sellist lõnga ma ei teagi et Eestist saada oleks. Nii pehme ja mõnus.
I receive such a lovely package from Andrea. Thank you, this yarn, I do not know that it would be from Estonia. So soft and nice. I hope that the book will soon be by you.

Viimasel ajal olengi hakanud sallilõnga internetist otsima. Landolace.com ja Earthfaire.com on huvitavad lehed, aga kahjuks pole Eestit nende nimekirjas. Tuleb vist ikka meil saata ja küsida. ColourMart.com on ka täitsa olemas ja saadetakse sealt ka.
Vahepeal pusisin ühe mustri kallal. Ei ole ma seda ise välja mõelnud, Haapsalu salli raamatus see täitsa olemas. Tegemist oli sellega et kuidas saada muster jooksam ruuduks. Paberil on olemas, eks millalgi proovin nüüd ka praktikas ära. Äärepits on veel vaja äärde sobitada.
Recently, I have begun to look for lace yarn in Internet. Landolace.com Earthfaire.com is interesting and leaves, but, unfortunately, is not their list of Estonia. Would still be sent to us and ask. ColourMart.com is also completely available and then be sent to. Meanwhile, try one of the square pattern to match. paper will be how the knitting goes, will look.


BadCatDesigns said...

I am so glad that it arrived. I am sure my book will arrive soon too, and I am so excited!

Mary said...

If you are interested in LandOLace yarns, I talked to Bev and she can ship internationally. :)