Friday, June 26, 2009


Lõpuks ometi suvi! Väljas on soe ja päike. Kahju ainult et ei saa nii palju päikese käes olla kui tahaks, töö, töö, töö. Aga küll jõuan ka puhata. Septembris lähen opile, eks siis olen mitu nädalat kodune ja saan käsitööd teha.
Summer Square. Esimene ruut sai valmis. Lõnga kohta ei teagi eriti midagi öelda, villane, aga päritolu teadmata. Keldreid koristades sain Heleni käest kaks tokki. Hea kui on sellised naabrid. Beebitekk saab sellest jälle.

Finally summer! Outside is warm and the sun. Injury, only that it can not be as much as I would like to be the sun, work, work, work. But while the rest come. In September I go to hospital, okay then, I am a housewife for several weeks and I can make handicraft.
Summer Square. The first square was completed. Yarn did not know of anything particular to say, of wool, but of unknown origin. Babyblanket from it again.

Liisbet proovib kätt disainimises. Hästi huvitava kleidi joonistas paberile, loodetavasti õmbleb ise millalgi valmis ka. Peakski mõne lapitöö käsile võtma, ideid sain internetist hulga, aga paraku ei oska ma eriti õmmelda. Õppida pole ju kunagi liiga hilja. Niikaua kui Pirje õmblusmasin minu juures on tuleks seda ka kasutada.

Liisbet tries to design a hand. Well an interesting dress drawing on paper, hopefully sometime sew themselves ready, too.

Jaanipäev on märkamatult mööda läinud. sel aastal otsustasime lõket teha koos naabritega. Keskkonnaamet ja Päästeamet andsid loa ja selline saigi meie Jaanituli. Kuigi üllatav on et oksi ei lubata põletada, need kuuluvad biolagunevate jäätmete hulka. Alati on ju oksi põletatud! Vahel ma mõtlen küll et tähtsad ametnikud lähevad vägagi tihti oma reeglite tegemisega liiale. Samas ei tohi lasta ennast nendest segada. Meil oli väga lõbus, grillisime kala ja kana ja siga, igale maitsele midagi.

Midsummer is gone along obliviously. This year we decided to be making a campfire with our neighbors. Environment and Rescue Board gave permission and the saigi our Jaanituli. Although the surprise is that the branches are not allowed to burn, they are part of biodegradable waste. It is, after all, branches burnt! Sometimes I think that while officials are very important in their own rules, often making magnify. At the same time should not be allowed to mix with them. We had a lot of fun, grilling fish and chicken and a pig, something for every taste.

Lõpuks üks minu maiasmokkadest mureleid noolimas. Liisbet on ka maias ja selle pildi tegi ka tema. Mureleid tahetakse rohkem kui maasikaid. Lisaks veel hapukurgid, ikka need värsked. Iga päev enne tööle tulekut pean turul tiiru tegema, varsti hakkab veel ka vaarikate aeg peale.
Eks ma ikka tasapisi teen käsitööd ka. Paar salli on valmis, tarvis veel pildid teha. Üks projekt on ka pooleli, sellest täpsemalt juba siis kui valmis saan kõik asjad, ehk siis augusti lõpupoole. Loodetavasti.
Eile tellisin Haapsalu Sallide raamatu. Blogidest olen juba vaimustuses kommentaare ka lugenud, loodetavasti saan esmaspäeval kätte, siis muljetan pikemalt ja panen mõned pildid ka.

Finally, one of my gourmands concerns about having a meal. Liisbet is also a gourmand, and the picture was his. The concerns to be more than strawberries. Before coming to work every day I have to make a paddle on the market, soon will be more time than the raspberries.
Okay, I still slowly doing the handicraft. I recommend a couple is ready, the images still need to be done. One of the project is also underway, it has already been more than willing to get all the things, then perhaps the end of August. Hopefully.
Yesterday ordered the book "Haapsalu Scarves". Blogs I have also read the comments already sold, hopefully I can reach on Monday, then talk length and put some pictures, too. If anyone is interested in this book, let me know. The book is in Estonian, there are a lot of beautiful pictures and patterns.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Your Summer Square is looking good - great colour.